Jipmer Nursing Officer Question Paper 2012

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Jipmer Nursing Officer Question Paper 2012


Candidates should read the following instructions carefully before answering questions:

  1. Check if all the pages in the question book and the answer sheet are intact and questions 1 to 100 are available. Check also the Serial No. of the question book and answer sheet. They should match.
  2. Only the BALLPOINT PEN that is provided to write/mark in the answer sheet.
  3. Write your ROLL NUMBER in the box above.
  4. The questions are of single best response – multiple-choice type. FOUR suggested answers or completions labeled A. B, C and D follow each question or incomplete statement. ONE of them is MOST APPROPRIATE. Select the most appropriate answer and darken the corresponding circle in the answer sheet.
  5. Only ONE answer is to be marked for each question. Think carefully and answer. No correction is feasible as you will be marking with a pen. If more than one circle is darkened, the answer will be deemed to be incorrect.
  6. The correct response will be given 4 marks. Negative marks will be given for incorrect responses. For every incorrect response, 1 mark will be deducted.
  7. Rough work if any may be done on the blank pages provided in the question book. Don’t write or disfigure this question or answer book.
  8. This book should be RETURNED INTACT at the end of examination failing which the Applicant’s Candidature is liable to be canceled.

Q.1) First fetal movement felt by mother is –
(A) Lightening
(B) Ballottement
(C) Engagement
(D) Quickening

Correct Answer: Quickening


Q.2) Sequence of taking vital sign in a Newborn infant is –

Correct Answer:  TPR



Q.3) The Mineral element which is essential for Synthesis of Thyroxin is –
(A) Iron
(B) Iodine
(C) Sodium
(D) Chloride

Correct Answer: Iodine



Q.4) Neonatal reflex elicited by touching the cheeks of the baby is –
(A) Suckling reflex
(B) Moro reflex
(C) Startle reflex
(D) Rooting reflex

Correct Answer:  Suckling reflex



Q.5) Founder of modern public health is –

(A) Nightingale
(B) Phoebe
(C) Louis pasteur
(D) Serelette

Correct Answer:  Louis pasteur



Q.6) Deficiency of which of the following vitamins causes pellagra?
(A) Niacin
(B) Vitamin B12
(C) Vitamin D
(D) Folic acid

Correct Answer:  Niacin


Q.7) Another term used for Superego is –
(A) Conscience
(B) Self
(C) Ideal self
(D) Subconscious

Correct Answer:  Conscience


Q.8) Pacemaker of heart is –
(A) AV Node
(B) Purkinje fibers
(C) SA Node
(D) Parasympathetic system

Correct Answer:  SA Node


Q.9) Making up stories to fill in the gaps of memory is –
(A) Reaction formation
(B) Confabulation
(C) Lying
(D) Sublimation

Correct Answer:  Confabulation



Q.10) Hemiplegia is Involves –
(A) Paresis of Upper & lower Extremities
(B) Paresis of Both lower extremities
(C) Paralysis of one side of the body
(D) Paralysis of both lower extremities

Correct Answer:  Paralysis of one side of the body



Q.11) Disulfiram is Drug used in treatment of –
(A) Mania
(B) Schizophrenia
(C) Hallucination
(D) Alcoholism

Correct Answer:  Alcoholism


Q.12) Normal head Circumference in a Newborn is –
(A) 34-36 cm
(B) 33-35 cm
(C) 32-34 cm
(D) 30-32 cm

Correct Answer:  33-35 cm



Q.13) What is the maximum volume that can be given IM injections –
(A) 0.5 ml
(B) 1 ml
(C) 2 ml
(D) 6 ml

Correct Answer:  6 ml



Q.14) Rifampicin is used for prophylaxis of –
(A) Malaria
(B) Gonorrhea
(C) Leprosy
(D) All of the Above

Correct Answer: Leprosy



Q.15) The diagnostic study to assess left ventricular dysfunction is –
(B) Angiogram
(C) Catheterisation
(D) Echo cardiography

Correct Answer:  Angiogram


Q.16) Verapamil is a –
(A) Cardiac glycoside
(B) Calcium channel blocker
(C) Beta adrenergic blocker
(D) H2 receptor antagonist

Correct Answer:  Calcium channel blocker



Q.17) Acid base imbalance that develops in acute renal failure is –
(A) Metabolic alkalosis
(B) Metabolic acidosis
(C) Respiratory alkalosis
(D) Respiratory acidosis

Correct Answer:  Metabolic alkalosis



Q.18) Clay coloured stool is suggestive of the –
(A) Typhoid
(B) Obstructive jaundice
(C) Ulcerative colitis
(D) Amoebic dysentery

Correct Answer:  Obstructive jaundice



Q.19) Surgery done for myasthenia Gravis is called?
(A) Pallidotomy
(B) Thymectomy
(C) Hypophysectomy
(D) Sympathectomy

Correct Answer:  Thymectomy



Q.20) What is the effect of the cyclosporine in a patient undergone renal transplantation?
(A) Anti inflammatory
(B) Immunosuppressant
(C) Antibacterial
(D) Diuretics

Correct Answer:  Immunosuppressant



Q.21) Normal Glomerular filtration rate is –
(A) 100ml/min
(B) 125ml/min
(C) 125l/min
(D) 2l/day

Correct Answer:  125ml/min



Q.22) Parenteral preparation of potassium should be administered slowly to prevent?
(A) Over load
(B) Cardiac arrest
(C) Respiratory arrest
(D) Acidosis

Correct Answer: Cardiac arrest



Q.23) Causative Agent of Mumps is –
(A) Toga virus
(B) H. Influenza
(C) Paramixo virus
(D) Bordetella

Correct Answer:  Paramixo virus



Q.24) Dose of Acetylsalicylic Acid is –
(A) 500mg/kg/day
(B) 100mg/kg/day
(C) 50mg/kg/day
(D) 10mg/kg/day

Correct Answer:  10mg/kg/day



Q.25) Expected date of Delivery for a Woman whose LMP was 15 August is _
(A) 1st June
(B) 24th June
(C) 8th May
(D) 22nd May

Correct Answer:  22nd May



Q.26) Drug of Choice for Rheumatic fever is?
(A) Penicillin
(B) Cephalosporin
(C) Gentamycin
(D) Streptomycin

Correct Answer:  Penicillin



Q.27) Best method to prevent foot drop in a patient on bed rest is to use which of the
following –
(A) Splints
(B) Sandbag
(C) Cradles
(D) Blocks

Correct Answer: Sandbag



Q.28) Florence Nightingale was born on –
(A) 12 May 1820
(B) 12 May 1832
(C) 22 May 1820
(D) 12 May 1920

Correct Answer:  12 May 1820



Q.29) Normal PH of Human blood is?
(A) 7 – 8
(B) 7.25 – 7.35
(C) 7.35 – 7.45
(D) 6.35 – 6.45

Correct Answer:  7.35 – 7.45



Q.30) Developmental task of adolescence is –
(A) Trust vs mistrust
(B) Identity vs role confusion
(C) Initiative vs shame
(D) Family vs peer relation

Correct Answer:  Identity vs role confusion



Q.31) Rate of chest compression in one person CPR is _
(A) 60-70/min
(B) 80-100/min
(C) 120-140/min
(D) 150-170/min

Correct Answer:  80-100/min



Q.32) Carpel tunnel syndrome is caused by?
(A) Pressure on cephalic nerve
(B) Injury to Wrist joint
(C) Pressure on median nerve
(D) Damage of lower motor neuron

Correct Answer:  Injury to Wrist joint



Q.33) Position in which the patient is to be cared after lower extremity amputation is _
(A) Left lateral
(B) Prone
(C) Side lying with amputated side up
(D) Supine with head turned to one side

Correct Answer:  Side lying with amputated side up



Q.34) Speech Centre is located _
(A) Broca’s area
(B) Postcentral area
(C) Promotor area
(D) Frontal area

Correct Answer: Broca’s area



Q.35) Closure of anterior fontanel takes place by age of _
(A) 1 Year
(B) 2 Year
(C) 6 months
(D) 6 weeks

Correct Answer:  1 Year



Q.36) Amount of current used in giving ECT _
(A) 200-250 V
(B) 150-200 V
(C) 130 -150 V
(D) 70-130 V

Correct Answer:  70-130 V



Q.37) Surgical fusion of a joint is known as _
(A) Arthroplasty
(B) Arthrodesis
(C) Arthrotomy
(D) Nailing

Correct Answer: Arthrodesis



Q.38) The maximum height at which the Enema should be held while giving it is _
(A) 30 cm
(B) 37 cm
(C) 45 cm
(D) 66 cm

Correct Answer:  45 cm



Q.39) The pituitary hormone that stimulates secretion of milk is _
(A) Oxytocin
(B) Prolactin
(C) Estrogen
(D) Progesterone

Correct Answer:  Prolactin



Q.40) The most common site of occurring peptic Ulcers in stomach?
(A) Cardiac portion
(B) Pyloric portion
(C) Esophageal junction
(D) Body of the stomach

Correct Answer:  Pyloric portion



Q.41) Alma Ata Declaration was made in _
(A) 1978
(B) 1988
(C) 1998
(D) 2002

Correct Answer:  1978



Q.42) Ghon’s foci is seen in the _
(A) Renal tumor
(B) Tuberculosis
(C) Measles
(D) Rheumatic fever

Correct Answer:  Tuberculosis



Q.43) Mean of Palliative care _
(A) General care
(B) Ostomy care
(C) Pain & Symptom relief
(D) None of these

Correct Answer: Pain & Symptom relief



Q.44) Invertogram is one of the diagnostic test used in _
(A) Diverticulum
(B) Anorectal anomalies
(C) Intussusception
(D) Pyloric stenosis

Correct Answer:  Anorectal anomalies



Q.45) How much will be drop rate/min if 500 ml of fluid is to be administered over 24 hours via ordinary drip set with drop factor 15 drops/ml?
(A) 50 drop/mints
(B) 25 drop/mints
(C) 5 drop/mints
(D) 3 drop/mints

Correct Answer:  5 drop/mints



Q.46) Bronchiolitis is commonly seen in which age group?
(A) 12 years
(B) 2-3 Age
(C) <2 years
(D) All age group

Correct Answer: <2 years



Q.47) Respiratory Centre is located at _
(A) Cerebrum
(B) Medulla oblonggata
(C) Pones
(D) Spinal cord

Correct Answer:  Medulla oblonggata



Q.48) Stimulation of vagus nerve results in _
(A) Dilatation of coronary artery
(B) Dilatation of bronchioles
(C) Decrease in Heart rate
(D) Increase in heart rate

Correct Answer:  Decrease in Heart rate



Q.49) For giving CPR, After Ascertaining unresponsiveness one of should _
(A) Establish an Airway
(B) Call for help
(C) Check the carotid pulse
(D) Give chest compression

Correct Answer:  Call for help



Q.50) The purpose of peritoneal dialysis is to _
(A) Remove the toxins and metabolic waste
(B) Provide fluid
(C) Re-establish kidney function
(D) Clean the peritoneal cavity

Correct Answer:  Remove the toxins and metabolic waste



Q.51) Hardness of water is expressed as _
(A) mEq/L
(B) Mg%
(C) Mg/L
(D) OZ/L

Correct Answer: Mg/L



Q.52) An irreversible side effects of anti psychotics is _?
(A) Tremor
(B) Sleeplessness
(C) Tardive dyskinesia
(D) Akathisia

Correct Answer:  Tardive dyskinesia



Q.53) Amount of Blood used for exchange Transfusion in neonate is _?
(A) 100ml/kg body weight
(B) 80ml/kg body weight
(C) 70ml/kg body weight
(D) 65ml/kg body weight

Correct Answer: 80ml/kg body weight



Q.54) Optimum level of fluoride in drinking water per liter is _?
(A) 0.05-0.08mg
(B) 0.5-0.8rl
(C) 0.7-1.2mg/L
(D) 2-3mg

Correct Answer:  0.7-1.2mg/L



Q.55) The backbone of public health Nursing is _
(A) Recording
(B) Home visit
(C) Health Education
(D) Immunization

Correct Answer:  Home visit



Q.56) 3 – tier system of local self Govt. At block level is _?
(A) Grama panchayat
(B) Zilla parishad
(C) Panchayat raj
(D) Panchayat samithi

Correct Answer:  Panchayat samithi



Q.57) Best method of oxygen administration to a 2 month old baby is _
(A) Nasal cannula
(B) Oxyhood
(C) Face mask
(D) Oxygen tent

Correct Answer:  Oxyhood



Q.58) Vitamin E is also know as _
(A) Pantothenic acid
(B) Calciferol
(C) Tocopherol
(D) Retinoic acid

Correct Answer: Tocopherol


Q.59) First AIDS case in India was reported in the year of _
(A) 1889
(B) 1992
(C) 1987
(D) 1997

Correct Answer:  1987



Q.60) Which of the following feature is not related to Cushing’s triad?
(A) Systolic BP
(B) Widening of pulse pressure
(C) Hypothermia
(D) Bradycardia

Correct Answer:  Hypothermia



Q.61) V.P. Shunt is the surgical management for _?
(A) Spina bifida
(B) Hydrocephalus
(C) Brain tumor

Correct Answer:  Hydrocephalus



Q.62) The most important observation for a patient in labor in Pitocin Augmentation is _?
(A) Monitoring FSH
(B) Monitoring and recording the length of contraction
(C) Preparing for emergency Cesarean section
(D) Monitoring TPR

Correct Answer:  Monitoring and recording the length of contraction



Q.63) Tumor of blood vessels of brain is called?
(A) Meningioma
(B) Glioma
(C) Hemangioma
(D) Astrocytoma

Correct Answer:  Glioma



Q.64) Time of Ovulation corresponds to _
(A) Progesterone level is high
(B) Blood level of LH is high
(C) Oxytocin level is high
(D) Endometrial wall is sloughed off

Correct Answer:  Progesterone level is high



Q.65) Sudden fall of temperature is called?
(A) Lysis
(B) Crisis
(C) Relapse
(D) Quotidian

Correct Answer:  Crisis



Q.66) Which of the following solution is isotonic?
(A) Dextran
(B) 0.45% NS
(C) 0.9% NS
(D) Dextrose saline

Correct Answer: 0.9% NS



Q.67) Macewen Sign is an indication of the _?
(A) Hydrocephalus
(B) Cerebral palsy
(C) Meningitis
(D) Mental Retardation

Correct Answer:  Hydrocephalus



Q.68) Type of speech in which one repeats what others have just said is –
(A) Echopraxia
(B) Echolalia
(C) Association
(D) Neologism

Correct Answer: Echolalia



Q.69) Which of the following is an osmotic diuretics _
(A) Lasix
(B) Spironolactone
(C) Mannitol
(D) Aldactone

Correct Answer:  Mannitol



Q.70) What does P wave of ECG represent?
(A) Ventricular repolarization
(B) Atrial depolarization
(C) Ventricular depolarization
(D) Atrial repolarization

Correct Answer:  Atrial depolarization



Q.71) The presence of synovial fluid in joints reduces?
(A) Friction in Joint
(B) Speed of movement
(C) Efficiency
(D) Workload

Correct Answer:  Friction in Joint



Q.72) Dose of BCG Vaccination is _
(A) 0.1 ml S/C
(B) 0.5 ml I/M
(C) 0.1 ml I/D
(D) 1 ml I/M

Correct Answer:  0.1 ml I/D


Q.73) The ear bones that transmit the vibrations to cochlea are situated in –
(A) Outer Ear
(B) Middle Ear
(C) Inner Ear
(D) Eustachian tube

Correct Answer: Inner Ear



Q.74) Positive Homan’s sign is indicated of?
(A) Varicose vein
(B) Deep vein thrombosis
(C) Renal calculi
(D) Pulmonary embolism

Correct Answer: Deep vein thrombosis



Q.75) A Cataract is _?

(A) Opacity of lens
(B) Crystallization of the pupils
(C) Thin film over the cornea
(D) Opacity of conjunctiva

Correct Answer:  Opacity of lens



Q.76) Local hot Application transfer heat from the body by?

(A) Conduction
(B) Radiation
(C) Evaporation
(D) Convection

Correct Answer:  Conduction



Q.77) Under production of Thyroxin produces?
(A) Myxedema
(B) Acromegaly
(C) Cushing’s disease
(D) Grave’s disease

Correct Answer: Myxedema



Q.78) Anxiety expressed through physical symptoms is _
(A) Hydrochondriasis
(B) Conversion
(C) Sublimation
(D) Regression

Correct Answer: Conversion



Q.79) Station +1 during labor indicates that the presenting part is _
(A) On the perineum
(B) High in pelvis
(C) Slightly above the ischial spine
(D) Slightly Below the ischial spine

Correct Answer: Slightly Below the ischial spine



Q.80) The safest position for a Woman with cord prolapse in labor is _
(A) Fowler position
(B) Supine
(C) Trendelenburg
(D) Prone

Correct Answer:  Trendelenburg



Q.81) The percentage of water in human body is?
(A) 100%
(B) 80%
(C) 60%
(D) 50%

Correct Answer:  60%



Q.82) The main action of Ranitidine in treating peptic Ulcer is?
(A) Increase histamine release
(B) Inhibit Gastric acid secretion
(C) Increase Gastric motility
(D) Neutralize Gastric acidity

Correct Answer:  Inhibit Gastric acid secretion



Q.83) How many calories does 1 gm of fat give?
(A) 10
(B) 9
(C) 8
(D) 4

Correct Answer:  9



Q.84) The most important electrolyte of intracellular fluid is _?
(A) Calcium
(B) Potassium
(C) Chloride
(D) Sodium

Correct Answer: Potassium



Q.85) Important observation for a patient on anti-coagulant therapy Includes?
(A) Headache
(B) Epistaxis
(C) Hypotension
(D) Chest pain

Correct Answer:  Epistaxis



Q.86) Infection with group A beta hemolytic streptococci can lead to _?
(A) Rheumatic fever
(B) Hepatitis
(C) Meningitis
(D) Rheumatoid arthritis

Correct Answer: Rheumatic fever



Q.87) Antibodies are produced by _
(A) Basophils
(B) Lymphocytes
(C) Plasma cells
(D) Erythrocytes

Correct Answer:  Lymphocytes



Q.88) Normally respiratory Centre is Stimulated by _?
(A) Oxygen
(B) Carbon Dioxide
(C) Lactic acid
(D) Blood PH

Correct Answer: Carbon Dioxide



Q.89) Patient recovering from general Anesthesia should by positioned in _
(A) Side lying position
(B) Supine position
(C) Prone position
(D) Trendelenburg position

Correct Answer:  Side lying position



Q.90) Surgery involving renal pelvis is –

(A) Pyloroplasty
(B) Pyeloplasty
(C) Urethroplasty
(D) Lithotripsy

Correct Answer: Pyeloplasty



Q.91) Pain in Appendicitis is experienced?
(A) Left iliac fossa
(B) McBurney’s point
(C) Below umbilicus
(D) Above umbilicus

Correct Answer:  McBurney’s point



Q.92) Use of Carbamazepine in Psychiatric is as a _?
(A) Mood stabilizer
(B) Anticonvulsant
(C) Antidote
(D) Neuroleptic

Correct Answer:  Anticonvulsant



Q.93) Lumbar sympathectomy relieves?
(A) Spinal cord compression
(C) Trigeminal neuralgia
(D) Spondylitis

Correct Answer:  Spinal cord compression



Q.94) Which of the following Nursing measures should be avoided in a patient with increased in cranial pressure?
(A) Suctioning for prolonged time
(B) Fowler’s position
(C) Oral feeding
(D) Catheterization

Correct Answer:  Oral feeding



Q.95) Purple discoloration of vaginal mucosa in Pregnancy is?
(A) Goodell’s sign
(B) Hegar’s sign
(C) Chadwick’s sign
(D) Ladin’s sign

Correct Answer:  Chadwick’s sign



Q.96) Germ theory of disease was propounded by?
(A) Darwin
(B) Louis pasteur
(C) Erickson
(D) Freud

Correct Answer:  Louis Pasteur



Q.97) Lugol’s solution contains?
(A) Potassium iodide
(B) Sodium bromide
(C) Ammonium chloride
(D) Calcium chloride

Correct Answer:  Potassium iodide



Q.98) Normal serum potassium level is?
(A) 6-8mEq/L
(B) 35-45mEq/L
(C) 3.5-5mEq/L
(D) 2.5-3.5mEq/L

Correct Answer:  3.5-5mEq/L



Q.99) The amount of bleaching powder for disinfection of 1000 gallons of water is _
(A) 10 gm
(B) 50 gm
(C) 2 oz
(D) 1 oz

Correct Answer:  10 gm



Q.100) Prolonged used of khesari dhal can lead to _
(A) Lathyrism
(B) Esophagitis
(C) Gout
(D) Gastric ups


Correct Answer:  Lathyrism






Candidates should read the following instructions carefully before answering questions:

  1. Check if all the pages in the question book and the answer sheet are intact and questions 1 to 100 are available. Check also the Serial No. of the question book and answer sheet. They should match.
  2. Only the BALLPOINT PEN that is provided to write/mark in the answer sheet.
  3. Write your ROLL NUMBER in the box above.
  4. The questions are of single best response – multiple-choice type. FOUR suggested answers or completions labeled A. B, C and D follow each question or incomplete statement. ONE of them is MOST APPROPRIATE. Select the most appropriate answer and darken the corresponding circle in the answer sheet.
  5. Only ONE answer is to be marked for each question. Think carefully and answer. No correction is feasible as you will be marking with a pen. If more than one circle is darkened, the answer will be deemed to be incorrect.
  6. The correct response will be given 4 marks. Negative marks will be given for incorrect responses. For every incorrect response, 1 mark will be deducted.
  7. Rough work if any may be done on the blank pages provided in the question book. Don’t write or disfigure this question or answer book.
  8. 9 This book should be RETURNED INTACT at the end of examination failing which the Applicant’s Candidature is liable to be canceled.


Jipmer Nursing Officer 2012 Question Paper & Answer Keys Download 

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