About US
About US
“This is not a
War, but we fight like the soldier,
we also have a family, but before our
family we put our profession first — Yes we are nurses, and we proud of that”
By: ProudofNurses Team
Why We are here
First I thankful to all those who visited our website. Today, the world know about the corona virus, but the positive face of this corona war is, our nurses. This profession was buildup by powerful and honest Nurses of our society and her words can only be spoken by someone who has lived to tell the story.
In this world, everything is happen in an order but no one focus on that until the time has not come. This time, the thinking of this world divided in two parts, first is before corona has come and second is after corona. So let’s we start with our new world because somebody says, “if a nurse start try always a one hope will remain.” That’s our ideology, to show the struggles of our nurses.
Our Mission
We know is hard to find the good quality study content for our profession. But that’s not means good, Study literature is not available. We are here to manage and arrange the all information in a hasty manner that you need.
So many nurses are interested to keep growing in this field so this is our motive to provide a good platform for shared the good knowledge about nurses’ key points. We want to be shared our nurse’s ideas and her thinking.
Now these days many competitive exam conducted for various department requirements. This website will give u an idea about last competitive exams that had been conducted by various national international platform. This website will guide you for answer these question. We will help you to prepare a mindset before your answered planning. These all the point we will cove on this website. We are also focused on providing the free study material to prepare for these exams so our novice nurses can pass the competitive exam easily.
Please Support US
We need your support, and we also inviting the suggestion from our nurses to add your views about our profession.