Important questions for B.Sc Nursing 1st year Students – Microbiology – MUHS
01 – Microbiology
- Sterilization in detail
- Disinfection
- Bacterial Growth curve
- Immunity, Active and Passive Immunity
- Biomedical Waste Management
- Gram staining
- Infection – Nosocomial infection, Role of Nurse in Hospital Infection Control
- Louis Pasteur
- Koch’s Postulates
- Blood culture, Culture Media-types
- Bacterial cell Wall
- Laboratory Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
- Laboratory Diagnosis of UTI (Urinary tract infection)
- HIV- Diagram, Modes of transmission, laboratory diagnosis of HIV
- Carrier-types
- Life cycle of Malaria Parasite
- Autoclave
- Robert Koch
- Universal Safety Precautions
- Flagella
- IgM, IgG
- Name the RNA and DNA Viruses
- Precipitation Reaction
- Hookworm, Roundworm
- Morphology of bacteria
Important questions for B.Sc Nursing Students – Microbiology
Maharashtra University of Health Sciences
for website www.muhs.ac.in/
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