AIIMS BHOPAL Senior Nursing Officer (SNO) Exam Question Paper 2018 PDF Download
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Exam Date: Morning Shift
AIIMS BHOPAL SNO Exam Question Paper 2018
English-Hindi Language
Part-I: General Knowledge (Total Questions: 20)
Q.1. Select the synonym of the given word. RADIANT
- Bright
- Solemn
- Severe
- Gloomy
Q.2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blanks.
Nandita has …………. keen observation and ……….. sharp mind.
- the; the
- the; a
- a; the
- a; a
Q.3. Select the correct passive form of the given sentence.
The police will train these dogs to track the drug peddlers.
- These dogs are being trained to track the drug peddlers by the police.
- These drug peddlers will be trained to track the dogs by the police.
- These dogs are getting trained to track the drug peddlers by the police.
- These dogs will be trained to track the drug peddlers by the police.
Q.4. In the following question the given sentence has been divided in three parts. Select the part that has an error.
As it was terribly hot/most of the shops/ has downed their shutters./No error.
- has downed their shutters.
- As it was terribly hot
- most of the shops
- No error.
Q.5. किसी वस्तु को इसके वास्तविक विक्रय मूल्य के 9/13 पर बेचने से एक व्यापारी को 20% हानि होती है | यदि इस वास्तु को वास्तविक मूल्य से 10% कम पर बेचा जाए तो कितने प्रतिशत लाभ होगा
- 2
- 4
- 3
- 5
Q.6. धातु के एक गोलाकार खोल (shell) का बाह्य व्यास 40 सेमी तथा अंतः व्यास 24 सेमी है। इसको पिघलाकर छोटी छोटी गोलियों में परिवर्तित किया जाता है और प्रत्येक गोली की त्रिज्या 4 सेमी है। इस प्रकार प्राप्त गोलियों की संख्या कितनी होगी?
- 49
- 98
- 147
- 112
AIIMS BHOPAL Senior Nursing Officer (SNO) Exam Question Paper 2018 PDF Download


- 7/10
- 4/5
- 3/10
- 2/5
Q.9. National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) is related to
- Trading in shares and Securities
- Goods and Services tax
- Income tax
- Auditing profession
Q.10. ____ writ is issued when the court finds that a particular office holder is infringing on the right of an individual without doing legal duty
- Habeas corpus
- Prohibition
- Mandamus
- Quo Warranto
Q.11. प्रत्येक वर्ष______ 16 वर्ष से कम आयु के बच्चों को राष्ट्रीय बहादुरी पुरस्कार प्रदान करता है।
- राष्ट्रीय बाल भवन
- केंद्रीय सामाजिक कल्याण बोर्ड
- रक्षा मंत्रालय
- भारतीय बाल कल्याण परिषद
Q.12. Which of the following is NOT directly related to weather forecast?
- El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
- The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)
- Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO)
- Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
Q.13. दिये गये विकल्पों में से उस शब्द का चयन करें जो दिये गए शब्द के अक्षरों से नहीं बन सकता है।
Q.14. विकल्पों में से शब्दों के उस जोड़े का चयन कीजिए, जो शब्द के अन्य तीन जोड़ों में भिन्न है।
- विनम्र रुक्ष
- हल्का : भारी
- व्यवहार्य साध्य
- स्पष्ट अस्पष्ट
Q.15. दिये गये विकल्पों में से उस अगली आकृति का चयन करें जो इस श्रृंखला को पूर्ण करेगी।

choose the correct one

Q.16. एक विशेष कूट भाषा में ‘NORMAL LAMINOR लिखा जाता है ‘MODEST को इसी कूट में क्या लिखा जाएगा?
Q.17. Which of the following statements about Windows 7 is FALSE?
- Windows 7 and Unix cannot be installed on the same PC.
- Windows 7 is the successor of Windows Vista,
- Windows 7 is a multitasking operating system.
- Windows 7 is a part of the Windows NT family of operating systems
Q.18. The MS-Excel formula. =NOW() returns:
- The month part of the current date
- Both current date and time
- Only current time
- Only current date
Q.19. Which of the following appears at the end of a Word document?
- Footer
- Subscript
- Endnote
- Footnote
Q.20. एक मैग्नेटिक टेप जिसमें ऊर्ध्वाधर कॉलम होते हैं, को क्या कहते हैं?
- फ्रेम्स
- ट्रेक्स
- चैनल्स
- ब्लॉक्स
Part-II: Subject Question (Total Questions: 100)
Q.1. The method used for administering medication into the ear is called:
- Inhalation
- Instillation
- Injection
- Infiltration
Q.2. Which among the follow meatal proceres sold me prepare for contra patients admit with polle aped ectopic pregnancy?
- Dilatation and curettage
- Oophorectomy
- Evacuation of fetus
- Hysterectomy
Q.3. Principles of interpersonal relationship include:
- Guiding
- Counseling
- Motivation
- Impartiality
Q.4. Which of the following is the reason for the development of hydramnios in a wom with gestational diabetes?
- Increased transudation
- Fetal diuresis
- Absence of swallowing reflex in fetus
- Hyperplasia of blood vessels
Q.5. All of the following measures are used to decrease brain edema. EXCEPT:
- drocortisone
- Dextrose infusion
- Hyperventilation
- Mannitol infusion
Q.6. A factor predisposing a person to nosocomial pneumonia is:
- Oropharyngeal colonisation due to mouth breathing
- Endotracheal intubation
- Use of nasogastric tube
- Use of H2 antagonist
Q.7. A 6 year old child is admitted with nephrotic syndrome. Which is the significant nursing intervention to be done daily by a nurse?
- Checking temperature
- Monitoring intake output
- Measuring midarm circumference
- Checking capillary refill
Q.8. The antidote used in iron toxicity is:
- N-Acetylcysteine
- Atropine
- Charcoal
- Desferoxamine
Q.9. Yellow colour code is used for which type of hospital waste?
- Glassware
- Body parts
- Plastic
- Sharps
Q.10. Which of the following sites is recommended for adults as a safe site for the majority of intramuscular injection?
- Vastus lateralis site
- Ventrogluteal site
- Dorsal gluteal site
- Rectus femoris
Q.11. An example of an objective data is:
- Itching
- Nausea
- Feeling of worry
- Discoloration of the skin
Q.12. The pattern of behaving expected of an individual in certam group or stution is referred to a
- Social role
- Social system
- Institution
- Status
Q.13. The concept of health which emphasises that health is a ‘sound mind in a sound body in a sound family in a sound environment” is:
- Psychological concept
- Physical concept
- Holistic concept
- Ecological concept
Q.14. Inferior vena cava opens into the:
- Right atrium
- Left atrium
- Left ventricle
- Right ventricle
Q.15. Which among the following is a complication of spinal anesthesia?
- Dyspnea
- Hypertension
- Tachycardia
- Hypotension
Q.16. The extreme softening of the cervix during the first trimester is known as:
- Osiander’s sign
- Goodell’s sign
- Chadwick’s sign
- Piskacek’s sign
Q.17. The amount of elemental iron in one iron tablet for mothers is:
- 50 ug
- 50 mg
- 60 mg
- 60 µg
Q.18. The drug of choice to combat magnesium sulfate toxicity is:
- Calcium gluconate
- Potassium sulphate
- Sodium bicarbonate
- Sodium chloride
Q.19. Presenting the patient with a hypothetical situation helps in the assessment of
- Insight
- Comprehension
- Judgment
- Abstractability
Q.20. A wound where the skin layers have been scraped off is termed:
- Incision
- Puncture
- Laceration
- Abrasion
Q.21. An immunologic reaction to a drug to which a person has already been sensitised is known as:
- Drug allergy
- Drug tolerance
- Drug intolerance
- Drug toxicity
Q.22. Digoxin is a/an:
- Cardiac glycosides
- Thrombolytic agent
- Calcium channel blockers
- Anti-angina drug
Q.23. A patient, with Portex tracheostomy tube, developes sudden complete blockage of the tube. Which of the following is the best intervention to prevent complication?
- Immediate remove of the tracheostomy tube
- Suction of tube with normal saline
- Deflate the tracheostomy cuff and supply high flow oxygen
- Ausculate for breath sounds
Q.24. The weight of term placenta in grams is:
- 500
- 800
- 50
- 200
Q.25. Which of the following statements concerning respiratory rates is accurate?
- The respiratory rate decreases in response to the increased metabolic rate during pyrexia
- An increase in intracranial pressures stimulates the respiratory centre and increases the respiration rate
- Healthy adults breathe about 12 to 20 times per minute.
- Infants and young children have a lower respiratory rate than adults.
Q.26. Following are openings in the diaphragm, EXCEPT:
- Esophagus
- Tracheal
- Aorta
Q.27. A patient who is in unresponsive situation is reported to the emergency triage with unknown history. On assessment it is found: Respiration are deep and rapid, ABG values are pH, 7.20; PaCO2, 21 mm Hg; PaO2, 92 mm Hg and HCO3, 8. You interpret these values to indicate:
- Respiratory Alkalosis
- Respiratory Acidosis
- Metabolic Alkalosis
- Metabolic Acidosis
Q.28. Suman is admitted to the emergency ward with complaints of left-sided weakness and difficulty in speaking. Which of the following assessments contains the data that best represents a nursing assessment?
- Left-sided weakness and speech deficit indicate probable stroke
- Brain scan shows evidence of a clot in the middle cerebral artery
- Patient is unable to communicate basic needs and carmor perform laygiene measures with left hand
- Neurologic examination reveals partial paralysis and aphasic speech
Q.29. On the first post-operative day of a patient with abdominal resection procedure has been ordered opioid for pain relief. Which of the following critical aspects has to be considered before administration of an opioid injection to prevent respiratory depression?
- Bowel movements
- Oxygen saturation
- Post-surgical blood loss
- Level of consciousness
Q.30. What is the mechanism of action of antibiotic cephalosporin?
- Inhibiting DNA function
- Acting on cytoplasmic membrane
- Inhibiting protein synthesis
- Interfering with the cell wall synthesis
Q.31. Infections acquired in hospital are called
- Primary infections
- Emergency infections
- Auto infections
- Nosocomial infections
Q.32. A positive tuberculin test is indicated by induration of
- 7-9 mm in diameter
- 4-6 mm in diameter
- 10 mm or more in diameter
- 1 – 3 mm in diameter
Q.33. According to Kubler-Ross theory of grief, which among the following behavior is observed in stage II?
- Anger
- Depression
- Bargaining
- Denial
Q.34. An injury to the joint ligament and joint capsule is termed:
- Soft tissue injury
- Strain
- Sprain
- Fracture
Q.35. The first priority in the management of trauma patient is:
- control of hemorrhage
- maintenance of an adequate airway
- ruling out a spinal injury
- maintenance of adequate arterial blood pressure
Q.36. A patient had chest tubes on his right chest which were connected to the water seal. During ambulation, the tubes got dislodged from the water seal. Which of the following actions by the nurse would be appropriate?
- Instruct the patient to cough forcibly several times
- Place the patient on bed and provide oxygenation
- Reconnect the tubes to water seal
- Asses the lung sound of the patient
Q.37. Which of the following is a feature of false labour pain?
- Progressive dilation of uterus
- Not associated with the hardening of the uterus
- Frequency of contraction increases
- Associated with show
Q.38. Mr. Siddappa has been received from operation room by the PICU nurse after the coronary artery bypass grafting procedure. Which of the following interventions would be appropriate to prevent early complications?
- Employing leg exercises and turning him in bed every 2 hours
- Keeping him cool with light patient body cover to prevent elevated temperature
- Positioning him in bed with pillows placed under his knees to improve venous return
- Keeping him from ambulating until the day after surgery
Q.39. Which of following is the outer covering of the bone?
- Perineurium
- Perichondrium
- Periosteum
- Perimysium
Q.40. Which of the following is a drug of choice for a pregnant mother with chronic hypertension?
- Methyldopa
- Atenolol
- Diazepam
- Magnesium sulfate
Q.41. Which among the following is diagnosed based on Reed Stemberg cell type?
- Hepatoblastoma
- Hodgkin’s disease
- Non-Hodgkin’s disease
- Nephroblastoma
Q.42. The antidote for atropine positioning is:
- Pilocarpine
- Bethanechol
- Physostigmine
- Neostigmine
Q.43. The primary purpose of administering magnesium sulfate intravenously for a patient who has premature rupture of membrane and has contraction in every 10 minutes is to:
- provide sedation
- improve fetal lung function
- maintain blood pressure
- inhibit contraction
Q.44. The perception of active fetal movement felt by the mother during pregnancy is known as:
- Lightening
- Quickening
- Ballotment
- Engagement
Q.45. किसी रोगी पर नियंत्रण प्रयुक्त किया जाए या नहीं यह निर्णय नर्स को निम्नलिखित कथनों में से किस पर विचार कर के लेना चाहिए?
- नियंत्रण शारीरिक और मनोवैज्ञानिक हानि गरिमा की हानि और मृत्यु का भी कारण बन सकते हैं
- वृद्ध रोगियों पर नियंत्रण के उचित उपयोग से कोई शारीरिक हानि संबंधित नहीं होती है।
- नियंत्रित रोगियों की तुलना में रोगियों को धोने की सम्भावना तीन गुना अधिक होती है।
- मूलतः चिकित्सक का आदेश नियंत्रण को लागू करने के लिए आवश्यक नहीं है।
Q.46. एक बच्चा ऐसा काम कर देता है, जो कार्य वयस्क व्यक्ति के लिए अपराध के रूप में माना जाता है, बच्चे को किस रूप में जाना जाता है?
- स्थिति अपराधी
- बाल अपराधी
- मनोरोगी
- अपराधी
Q.47. A 10 year old child with asthma is admitted to the ward. Which of the following observations needs immediate action by the nurse?
- Sitting upright and refusing to lie down
- Breath rate 20/min
- Refusing to eat food
- Oxygen saturation 96%
Q.48. According to Erickson’s psychosocial theory, what is the developmental task of a toddler?
- Autonomy/Shame and doubt
- Initiative/Guilt
- Trust/Mistrust
- Industry/Inferiority
Q.49. The classical method used in bringing down an arm in breech presentation is called:
- Retgen’s maneuver
- Lovset’s maneuver
- Crede’s maneuver
- Pinard’s maneuver
Q.50. The normal Glomerular filtration rate is:
- 75 ml/min
- 100 ml/min
- 125 ml/min
- 50 ml/min
Q.51. A localised edema or collection of fluid on the fetal scalp that develops during labour is known as:
- Cephalhematoma
- Crowing
- Molding
- Caput succedaneum
Q.52. Ideal ratio of nurse to patient in an ICU is:
- 2:1
- 1:3
- 1:1
- 1:2
Q.53. Tetralogy of Fallot includes all the following conditions, EXCEPT:
- Ventricular Septal defect
- Pulmonic stenosis
- Patent ductus arteriosus
- Overriding aorta
Q.54. The crisis that is precipitated by an unanticipated stressful event that creates disequilibrium by threatening one’s sense of biological, social or psychological integrity is called:
- Situational crisis
- Maturational crisis
- Social crisis
- Adventitious crisis
Q.55. Which of the following is NOT included in the features of collective bargaining?
- Flexibility
- Group activity
- Building relationship
- Staff appraisal
Q.56. What is an appropriate nursing action if the sterile instrument becomes contaminated during the surgical procedure?
- Replace with an additional sterile instrument and continue the procedure
- Discussing with ward incharge nurse
- Terminating the procedure
- Continuing with procedure
Q.57. An elderly in critical care unit reports having dysphagia. Which intervention can help decrease the risk of aspiration during feeding?
- Provide only liquid feeds
- Place the food in strong side of the mouth
- Feed the patient in upright position slowly and allow him/her to chew
- Allow patient to lie down soon after intake of food
Q.58. Which of the following statements is TRUE with regard to leadership?
- A decision is made, then choose a preferred course of action
- In autocratic leadership style, there is centralised decision making
- Leaders always do things right and can’t do the right thing.
- Suggestion boxes are considered for downward communication
Q.59. An agreement to keep a promise is known as:
- Justice
- Fidelity
- Beneficence
- Autonomy
Q.60. The neurotransmitter released by the motor neuron at the neuromuscular junction is:
- Noradrenaline
- Acetylcholine
- Dopamine
- Adrenaline
Q.61. Nursing audit is used to:
- plan for nursing staff
- assess money transactions for nursing care
- assess cost-effective care
- assess quality of nursing care
Q.62. Which of the following is NOT a part of Bleuler’s 4 A’s?
- Autistic thinking
- Avolition
- Ambivalence
- Associative loosening
Q.63. When MAOIS are prescribed, the client should be cautioned against:
- Use of medication with an elixir base.
- Ingesting wine and aged cheese.
- Engaging in active physical activities.
- Prolonged exposure to the sun.
Q.64. Which is the biochemical marker detected in a mother’s blood in neural tube defect?
- Alpha-fetoprotein
- Aminoacid
- Alkaline phosphatase
- Ascorbic acid
Q.65. Complication of transfusion of blood and blood products is:
- Hypokalemia
- Jaundice
- Hepatitis C
Q.66. In normal ECG recorded from the standard bipolar limb lead II,”T” wave represents
- Ventricular depolarisation
- Ventricular repolarisation
- Atrial depolarisation
- Atrial repolarisation
Q.67. Lining of the epithelium of lung alveoli consists of which of the following cells?
- Transitional
- Simple squamous
- Simple cuboidal
- Simple columnar
Q.68. Pre-operative instructions to the client would include the following EXCEPT:
- Reassuring the client
- Continue anticoagulants
- Deep breathing and coughing exercise
- Lower limb exercises
Q.69. Which hormone is released from zona glomerulosa?
- Oestrogen
- Adrenalin
- Cortisol
- Aldosterone
Q.70. A mother asks her two-year child. “Do you want to eat now?” The child responds “No”. Which of the following behavioral characteristics does the child elicit?
- Egocentrism
- Ritualism
- Negativism
- Egomania
Q.71. The nursing director of the hospital calls for a review meeting to the ward supervisors to discuss about current issues relating to patient care. This way of exchange of information belongs to which type of communication?
- Small group
- Public communication
- Interpersonal
- Intrapersonal
Q.72. Which of the following clinical presentation would a nurse expect while assessing a patient with abruptio placenta
- Rigid, board-like abdomen
- Premature rupture of membranes
- Edema in legs
- Excessive vaginal bleeding
Q.73. In a child with mild hemophilia A, the factor VIII level is:
- 1-5%
- 50-60%
- 5-50%
- < 1%
Q.74. The following diseases can be transmitted by water and food EXCEPT:
- Hepatitis C
- Cholera
- Poliomyelitis
- Hepatitis A
Q.75. Fluorouracil is classified under the ________ category of drug.
- Alkylating agent
- Plant alkaloids
- Antitumor antibiotics
- Antimetabolite
Q.76. Descent of the rectal wall through the posterior vaginal wall is termed as:
- Cystocele
- Rectocele
- Urethrocele
- Enterocele
Q.77. Services aimed at reducing the prevalence of psychiatric illness by shortening the course of the illness is called:
- Secondary prevention
- Primary prevention
- Tertiary prevention
- Primordial prevention
Q.78. A patient who recently underwent amputation of a leg complains of pain in the amputated part. The nurse should explain to the patient which of the following?
- The patient is experiencing central pain syndrome.
- The pain is a phenomenon known as “ghost pain”.
- The pain cannot exist because the leg has been amputated.
- The pain is a real experience for the patient
Q.79. What is the most common cause of urinary tract infection?
- Escherichia coli
- Serratia species
- Proteus mirabilis
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Q.80. Mode of transmission of Hepatitis E virus is:
- Injections
- Fecal-oral
- Blood transfusion
- Sexual
Q.81 Following are the principles of documentation, EXCEPT:
- Accuracy
- Effectiveness
- Correct spelling
- Appropriateness
Q.82 Your patient says that he “urinates at night” and it is affecting his daytime alertness. You would document this as:
- Dysuria
- Nocturia
- Oliguria
- Polyuria
Q.83 Which of the following signs in a child with meningitis is characterised by pain or resistance on extending the legs at the knee when the child is lying supine?
- Brudzinski
- Kernig’s
- Macewen
- Chovstek’s
Q.84. Regarding the request of organ and tissue donation at the time of death, the nurse needs to be aware that:
- Requests are usually made by the nurse who care for the patient at time of death.
- Specially educated personnel make requests.
- Professionals need to be very selective in whom they ask for organ and tissue donation
- Only patients who have given prior instruction regarding donation become donors.
Q.85. The abnormal condition in which the umbilicus is inserted through the membrane is known as:
- Velamentous
- Battledore
- Succenturiate
- Marginal
Q.86. The nerve supply to the muscles of the forearm:
- Median nerve
- Musculocutaneous nerve
- Redial nerve
- Ulnar nerve
Q.87. The index for finding effectiveness of contraception is:
- Pearl
- Broca
- Lorentz
- Ponderal
Q.88. An 18-month-old child was brought to the well-baby clinic for booster dose of DPT vaccine. Which among the following muscle is preferred by the nurse to administer vaccine?
- Ventrogluteal
- Deltoid
- Vastus lateralis
- Dorsogluteal
Q.89. While preparing a patient for surgery who has diabetes mellitus, the nurse should be aware of which of the following potential surgical risks associated with this disease?
- Respiratory depression from anesthesia
- Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
- Poor wound healing
- Altered metabolism and excretion of drugs
Q.90. The condition where the uterus turns inside out is known as:
- Anteversion
- Inversion
- Prolapse
- Retroversion
Q.91. The majority of the blood is supplied to the large intestine by which of the following arteries?
- Inferior mesenteric
- Celiac trunk
- Superior mesenteric
- Anterior mesenteric
Q.92. A person has run away from home adopting a new identity with complete amnesia about his earlier life. This disorder is known as:
- Conversion disorder
- Multiple personality disorder
- Dissociative fugue
- Dissociative amnesia
Q.93. A person changing the subject or cracking joke in an attempt to compensate for defects by using strategies to avoid demonstrating failures in intellectual performance is termed as:
- Thought insertion
- Catastrophic reaction
- Sundowner syndrome
- Affective impairment
Q.94. Time limit for registering birth is within:
- 21 days
- 14 days
- 10 days
- 7 days
Q.95. A 2 days old neonate underwent corrective surgery for tracheoesophageal fistula two days back. Which of the following needs to be reported by the nurse?
- Dislodgement of orogastric tube
- Excessive cryingirritability
- Diminished bowel sounds
- Pulse rate 130 beats/min
Q.96. A 2 year old child with Anorectal malformation underwent Posterior Sagittal Anorectoplasty. Which of the following needs to be emphasised by the nurse upon discharge?
- Advice on immunization
- Monitor intake and output
- Measure head circumference regularly
- Regular anal dilatation
Q.97. The major neurotransmitter involved in the occurrence of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is:
- Serotonine
- Acetylcholine
- Epinephrine
- Dopamine
Q.98. Following are clinical features of organophosphorus poisoning, EXCEPT
- Salivation
- Hyperventilation
- Bronchospasm
- Pinpoint pupil
Q.99. As per American Heart Association 2015 guidelines, in a single rescuer CPR for an infant, the ratio of respiration to compression is:
- 2:15
- 1:3
- 2:20
- 2:30
Q.100. Projectile vomiting is a characteristic of which of the following conditions?
- Imperforate anus
- Pyloric stenosis
- Hernia
- Appendicitis